Customized Tour

Recess Bhutan Tours can customized the tour based onyour preferences and duration of intend stay in Bhutan.  You can consider the following factors in order to customize the tours. We will then provide  the details of each factors and suggestion based on your selection .

  1. There is a domestic flight to Bumthang(Central Bhutan), Gelephu(South Bhutan) and Trashigang(East Bhutan).
  2. Different region of Bhutan(Eastern Bhutan, Central Bhutan, Northern Bhutan, Southern Bhutan and Western Bhutan)
  3. Farm Stay and Hot stone bath.
  4. Visit rural villages.
  5. Visit urban Bhutan and enjoy in local club.
  6. Meditation and spiritual wellness.
  7. Visit monastery and temples.
  8. Visit museums and heritage site.
  9. Rafting
  10. Short trekking.
  11. Visit Dzong/Fortress.
  12. Bird Watching.
  13. Cycling
  14. Traditional Bhutanese Wedding.
  15. Traditional weaving & textiles.
  16. Festival
  17. Community based festivals.
  18. Duration in Bhutan(number of days)
  19. Number of people in a group.


Please contact us by highlighting the above factors and we will then work out the details based on your preferences.

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